Affiliates & Partners
Save A Child is working with organisations and individuals across the world to help bridge the gap in paediatric emergency care.

Clyde & Co
Save a Child is delighted to be partnered with Clyde & Co, a global law firm who are supporting our work to help save the lives of sick and injured children in conflict affected areas. In 2018 Clyde & Co became signatories of the UN Global Compact, demonstrating their support for its 10 principles in the areas of human rights, labour, the enviroment and anti bribery and corruption.

European Paediatric Surgeons' Association
EUPSA is one of the largest Paediatric Surgical Association of individuals worldwide.
Their main aims are:
Promote high standards of surgical care for neonatal, paediatric and adolescent patients throughout Europe
Support research, education, collaboration and training in paediatric surgery

Children of Peace
Children of Peace is a UK based non-partisan charity organization working with both Israeli and Palestinian children to build peace, trust, friendship and reconciliation. So future generations might live peacefully side-by-side.

The Paediatric Blast Injury Partnership
The PBIP brings together expert individuals, institutions, INGOs, patients, caregivers and communities committed to finding practical solutions to the challenges of paediatric blast injury and we are pleased to be able to make this resource available too our users through our paediatric telemedicine platform.